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Neighborhood Search For Real Estate Agents

Promote your Just Listed, Just Solds and Open Houses through GeoFarming.

Use coupon geofarming for $20 off today only!

Use coupon geofarming for $20 off today only!

A Solid Real Estate Database

Identify residences within a certain radius for circle prospecting. You’ll get names, addresses, phone numbers and more for staying in touch with homeowners in your territory, Stay ‘top of mind’ for when they’re ready to buy or sell.

How You Can Use Agent Circle Prospecting

Compile a list of contacts around a radius of your open house. Then call those contacts to promote your open house.

Compile a list of contacts around a radius of your Just listed properties. Explain to them that you just listed XYZ property in their neighborhood and you just wanted to know if any friends or family were interested in moving to the neighborhood.

Compile a list of contacts around a radius of your Just Sold properties. Explain to them that you just Sold XYZ property in their neighborhood and you just wanted to know if they or any one of their neighbors were interested is selling their homes.

Receive Detailed Info That Includes:

First, MI and Last Name
Phone (Home & Mobile)
HH Income
Home Owner
Net Worth
DOB Year
And much more!

Updated Homeowner Data Lists

The real estate database is continually kept up-to-date, so you know you won’t be missing anyone who might want to know about your open house, just-listed or just-sold announcements. Build your reputation as the go-to agent in your area.

Contact Us

Have questions about our online dialer or other sales tools? We have answers that’ll make you go, “Wow, that’s pretty cool.”