For Sale By Owner (or FSBO) properties come with their fair share of challenges. As an agent, you have more work to do to get one of these properties listed. Sellers of FSBO’s often have a mindset that they are going to do it on their own for whatever their reason may be. There are a myriad of reasons why people want to sell on their own without a real estate agent. It is your job as an agent to make them understand why having an agent is more beneficial. Here are a few scripts that you can use to contact these sellers and some to help overcome the objections they will throw out at you.

Handsome male customer service agent working in call center office as a telemarketer.
Here are a few scripts to help get you on your way when contacting FSBO properties. You will find there are various approaches.
- Tom Ferry Organization Script:
Hi, I’m looking for the owner of the home for sale.This is (name) with (company). As an area specialist, my goal is to know about all the homes for sale in the marketplace for the buyers I’m working with. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions about your property?
I know the ad in the paper said it had (#) bedrooms and (#) baths, are the rooms a good size?
How is the kitchen?
Have the bathrooms been remodeled?
Would you tell me about the yard?
Tell me about your neighborhood: Has it been a nice place for you and your family?
Is there anything else that’s important to know?
Sounds like you have a great home, why are you selling? (Great!)
Where are you moving? (Terrific.)
How did you decide on that area? (Fantastic.)
How much is the new house you’re buying? (Good for you.)
You know, with as many homes as are on the market right now, what are you doing differently to market yours? What else?
So, do you have to sell this home in order to close on the new one? (Great.)
If you don’t mind me asking, How did you determine your sales price? (Got it.)
OK, so I have to ask, if there was an advantage to using me as an agent to market your home, and it got you a higher sales price, would you consider it?
I know you chose to sell your home FSBO for a reason, I respect that. It also sounds like you’ve got a lot going on and a lot you’re trying to accomplish, and I think I could help. How about we get together for 20 minutes or so, we can talk more about your goals, and whether or not I could help you achieve them. I have some time on __________ or ___________, which would be better for you?
I look forward to meeting with you on (___), thanks again and have a great day!
2) Fit Small Business’ Script:
For Newer Listings:
Hi, my name is ____ and I wanted to chat about the home listed for sale. Are you the homeowner?
I work with __[brokerage]__and understand why you’re listing by owner with homes going so quickly right now. Is it still available? How are things going? (if great…congratulate them, if not, then ask what they’re struggling with right now and listen to what they have to say).
I was calling because I might have some buyers who would like to see the property – is that something you’d be interested in? (if yes) I’d love to set up a time and iron out the details on that, is there a good time to meet? I’d want to see the property, and talk with you more about getting it sold.
For Older Listings:
Hi there, I’m _____calling from _[brokerage]_ and noticed that your home has been for sale in the neighborhood. Are you the homeowner?
I know you’ve likely had agents calling, so I don’t want to take up too much of your time, but I noticed it’s been on the market for _[insert approximate time]_. When are you planning on moving? [gives time] Where are you heading? [gives place] (say something good about it or ask questions).
I was calling because I wanted to know if you were open to working with buyers agents. (if yes) Would you mind me coming by to take a look at your property to see if it might be right for some buyers I have in the area? Is there a time you’d be open to showing me around your home and just giving you some information in case you can’t get it sold on your own?
3) Agent Mastermind Script:
Hello may I please speak to the owner of the home for sale at ___________________?
I understand that you’re selling “For Sale by Owner” and I’m not trying to interfere with that, I was just wondering are you cooperating with buyer’s agents?
Oh sure, let me clarify that. When I say “cooperating”, I mean, if I am working with a buyer that makes an offer, are you willing to pay the standard ______% commission in our area for a buyer side only?
Ok, that sounds great!
Do you mind telling me a little bit about your home?
That sounds really nice. I’ve got a couple of buyers right now that I think would be interested. Is there a time I could come by and take a look at the property before bringing my clients through?
What all of these scripts have in common is that they have all been tested and proven effective. But you have to find the style that fits you. There are some aggressive scripts and there are some more laid-back scripts and they all work.. But only for those that are comfortable with them. So find the style you like, and roll with it. Practice. Role play with friends and family. Make it so that it doesn’t sound like you are reading a script but rather having a conversation. This is the key to making it work.