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We’re just going to take it off the market for now.

1. That makes sense.  And, I’m curious what will NOT being on the market accomplish for you?

*(The key is to ask this question, in a non-threatening way, and then don’t speak again until they answer that question.  They will tell you that they’re plans have changed, or that they’re frustrated with the market, or any number of things that will tell you if they really want to sell or not.)

2. I can appreciate you want to take it off the market for now.  So, what would happen if you left it on and got it sold this time?  Because the market is obviously not great, and the more time you take, the more money you could lose.  And if you’d be willing to meet with me, I’d be willing to show you how I/my company sold X homes in the last six months for top dollar.  Do you want top dollar?

I’m going to re-list with the same agent.

1.  I appreciate you wanting to give this agent a second chance, and yet I’m curious, do you think this agent will be able do anything differently this go round that they haven’t already tried?  Since you are considering re-listing, you obviously feel they did everything they could to get the home sold.  Doing the same thing again can’t possibly create a different result, can it?  Before you re-list, don’t you think you owe it to yourself to get a second opinion before you tie yourself down for another six months?

2. Stop for a minute and realize how hiring a different, aggressive agent might change the results you are getting.  You can make a decision now whether you’ll stay with the same results, or list with an agent who/whose company has track record of selling homes in X days.  Can you see why it just makes sense to meet with me?


Bring me a buyer and I’ll pay you a commission.

1.  Thank you, that’s great!  Let me ask you a question, because I have a concern about that.  It’s a great strategy to attract agents who will tell you they have a buyer when they just want to get their foot in your door.  I’d rather be very honest with and tell you I’m calling to show you how I’ve netted the most money for my sellers.  Is there any reason you would not want to meet with me if I could show you my proven track record for aggressively marketing your home and getting more you money?

2.  Thank you for the offer.  So, let me get this straight:  you’re willing to pay me 3% and you want to save the other 3%, right?  Okay, great, and I’m curious…after you pay for your own advertising, disrupt your family time showing your house at all hours, host your own open houses every weekend, negotiate with low-balling, bargain hunting buyers…if any actually make an offer, and then finally pay attorney fees, will you be saving anything, and, if so, will it really be worth it?

If we don’t sell it, we’ll rent it.

1.  I understand, and do you really want to be a landlord?  I know it’s frustrating right now, and can you imagine the frustration of chasing down a tenant for late rent, that your mortgage payment might be dependent on, month after month?  Not to mention getting repair calls in the middle of the night, and generally just being chained to the house for a year at a time.  Don’t you just want to get it sold?

2.  You could rent it, but what about capital gains?  You should really check with your accountant.  Renting it could cause you to lose money because the tax status of the property will change.  You could sell now and pay no capital gains, or rent it and when you decide to sell it you end up paying thousands in capital gains taxes.  That’s not good, is it?

By Scott

Retrieved 28 November 2012 from

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