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Yes, Tom Ferry is related to Mike Ferry.

Tom Ferry holds epic real estate agent events, real estate coaching, and more. I’ve personally been to one of his events and it was great.

Here are the expired listing scripts that Tom Ferry likes to use:
Tom Ferry Script One…
Hi … I am looking for ______.
This is NAME with BROKERAGE.
I noticed your home was no longer on the market.
I was calling to see … do you still want to sell it?
[If it is clear they are getting lots of calls, use these effective lines]
Are you just taking your home off the market?
Are you getting a lot of calls?
These agents are like rats coming out of the woodwork…aren’t they?
Can you imagine if you had to work with these people every day as I do?
A. If you … sold this home … where would you be going to next?
B. What is your time frame to be moved? (Ouch)
C. Why do you think your home did not sell? (Really)
D. How did you pick the last agent? (That obviously didn’t qualify them to sell your home)
E. Has anyone told you exactly why your home did not sell? (Great)
F. The only reason a home does not sell in today’s market is because of exposure … did you know that?
G. If I can show you how to upgrade your exposure to the market and get your home sold … would that be of interest to you? Perfect!
H. Let’s meet for 15-20 minutes so you can see exactly what it will take to … sell your home.

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