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Certainly, creating an effective SMS script for a final expense insurance agent involves balancing professionalism, empathy, and a clear call-to-action. Keep in mind that SMS messages have character limitations, so it’s important to be concise. Here’s a sample script:

🌟 Hello [Client’s Name],

This is [Your Name] from [Your Agency]. I hope this message finds you well. As a final expense specialist, I understand the importance of planning for the future.

⏳ Time-sensitive reminder:

Life is unpredictable, but your legacy doesn’t have to be. Have you considered securing final expense coverage to ease the financial burden on your loved ones?

💬 Why choose us?

✅ Affordable plans

✅ Quick approval process

✅ Peace of mind for you and your family

📞 Ready to talk?

I’m here to answer any questions and help you find the best plan. Let’s discuss your needs and tailor a solution just for you. Reply ‘YES’ for a call or ‘INFO’ for more details.

🔗 [Your Contact Number]

🌐 [Your Website]

🙏 Thank you for considering [Your Agency].




📱 Hello [Prospect’s Name],

This is [Your Name] from [Your Insurance Agency]. I hope this message finds you well.

🕊️ Planning for the future is crucial. Have you considered final expense insurance to ease the burden on your loved ones?

✅ Benefits:

  • Peace of mind for you and your family.
  • Coverage for funeral costs and other final expenses.

📞 May I call you at a convenient time to discuss personalized options?

🔒 Your information is secure with us. No obligations.

🤝 Looking forward to assisting you.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]


Hi [Prospect’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. As a final expense insurance agent, I specialize in helping families plan for the future.

🌟 Why Final Expense Insurance?

  • Provides peace of mind
  • Covers funeral expenses
  • Eases the financial burden

💬 Interested in a brief chat?

I’m here to answer questions and discuss options.

📅 When’s a good time for you?

🔗 [Your Contact Info]


Hi [Prospect’s Name],

This is [Your Name], a licensed agent specializing in Final Expense coverage. 🌟

🔍 Did you know?

Many families face unexpected expenses when a loved one passes away. Final Expense insurance can provide financial peace of mind.

✅ Benefits:

  • Covers funeral costs 🌹
  • Eases the burden on loved ones 💔
  • Affordable options for every budget 💸

👥 Customized Solutions:

I tailor plans to fit your unique needs and budget. Let’s chat about securing your family’s future.

📅 Free Consultation:

When is a good time for you? Reply with a time, and I’ll call you to discuss options.

🔐 No obligation, just information.

Look forward to helping you,

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Number]


Hi [Prospect’s Name],

This is [Your Name] from [Your Insurance Agency]. I hope this message finds you well. ☺️

I wanted to share some valuable information about Final Expense Insurance. It’s a crucial part of planning for the future and easing the financial burden on your loved ones.

With Final Expense Insurance, you can ensure your family is protected from unexpected costs associated with funerals and other end-of-life expenses.

Would you be open to a quick chat to discuss how this coverage can be tailored to fit your needs? I’m here to answer any questions you may have.

Feel free to reply with “YES” if you’re interested or “NO” if you prefer not to discuss it at this time.

Looking forward to connecting!

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Insurance Agency]

[Your Contact Information]


Hi [Prospect’s Name],

This is [Your Name] with [Your Agency]. I hope this message finds you well. As a specialist in final expense planning, I wanted to share some valuable information with you.

Did you know that final expense insurance can provide financial security for your loved ones during a challenging time? It covers end-of-life expenses like funeral costs and medical bills, ensuring your family doesn’t bear the burden.

Would you be open to a brief call to discuss how final expense insurance can be tailored to your needs? Reply ‘YES,’ and we can schedule a time convenient for you.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]



Hi [Prospect’s Name],

🌟 [Agent’s Name] here with [Insurance Company]! 🌟

I hope this message finds you well. As we navigate life’s uncertainties, it’s crucial to plan for the future. I specialize in Final Expense insurance, providing peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

💡 Did you know Final Expense coverage can help cover funeral costs and other expenses?

I’d love to chat briefly and explore a tailored solution just for you. When is a good time for a quick call this week?

Feel free to reply or call me directly at [Your Phone Number]. Your peace of mind matters!


[Agent’s Name]

[Insurance Company]

[Your Phone Number]

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