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One important skill top sales people share is the ability to gain a client or a prospect’s trust. However, it’s not always such a simple matter. Many prospects have had bad experiences in the past that make them hesitant to be receptive of what you have to offer. This is something you have to work through, as gaining their trust vastly increases your chances of making the sale. Here are 5 things you should try to be to earn their respect and trust:

Be Reliable

First and foremost it’s important that when you make an appointment with them, you’re there on time and ready to go. How can a potential client trust you with such important things if you can’t even manage to show up for them? Being prompt makes them feel like you’re really there for their needs.

Be Respectful

When you contact a prospect, begin the conversation by ensuring they’re still available to talk. No one has all day to talk, even if they would like to. Also make sure you’re staying on topic, as wonderful as your personality may be, most customers want to talk shop.

Be Relevant

Make sure that what you’re offering the customer is actually something that they specifically will benefit from. It doesn’t matter if you have an amazing product to clean carpets if the customer has hardwood floors. Try to capture a full understanding of what your customer might need before you start dropping offers.

Be Conversational

Anyone who runs a business is subject to countless sales attempts on a regular basis. They’ve heard every monologue you can imagine, and probably aren’t interested in hearing another one. Try to lead the conversation into a discussion about how the product is something they could use. Let the customer ask the right questions so that you can give the right answers.

Be Honest

Sometimes a product just isn’t right for a customer. Don’t try to strong-arm a sale when you know the customer won’t actually benefit from it, or that they’re working under the wrong impression. Because the moment the customer gets the product and feels wrongs, you can be sure they’re not going to be a happy camper, and it’s your reputation that’s on the line. But when you’re completely frank and honest with a customer, you’ll earn some serious points of respect in their books as someone who is looking out for their best interests.